Our Story

The Glendale at Cave Mill Story:
At the heart of Glendale is a story of sending. From its inception, the Holy Spirit has empowered a small band of believers to reach the ends of the earth with gospel impact through youth revivals and fellowships, collegiate and bus ministries, chapels and missions, as well as Christian education, all in the name of calling out the called. To date, over 250 of our young men and women, collectively known as Swordsmen, have been sent out to pulpits, classrooms, and mission fields across the country and around the world. Now that vision continues in a new location and a new century of ministry. At Glendale, we don’t want to just send your kids to a playground, but to a mission field, whether in vocational ministry or as a believer in business, whether across the street or across a continent. We can’t offer everything, but we can offer one thing: the raising up and sending out of a Generation #ALLin for Christ. Here’s your invitation to join us in THE mission. Come be part of a family, the eternal family of God. Come grow with us!

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